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HOPE.....Change The World Using Films

12:45 AM Posted by Rai Sajid
With the glitz and glamor of Hollywood and blockbuster movies, it’s easy to overlook the very real and acutely transformative effect that film and motion pictures have had on the world. Beyond just transporting viewers into new worlds and fantasies, film has the power — perhaps beyond that of any other medium — to shed light on an issue, telling a story and chronicling history.This greater power was discussed yesterday in the UN Week Digital Media Lounge in a session entitled, “Reel Impact: The Power of Film to Change Lives.
In the session, film producer Caroline Baron, the founder and CEO of FilmAid , and filmmaker Lisa Russell, co-founder of, discussed the impact and life-changing potential film can have on the developing world and vulnerable communities.

Both women were drawn into using film to help achieve social good during the war in Kosovo. Sometimes called the world’s first humanitarian war, Kosovo brought the plight of refugees and those in refugee camps to the public in a way that hadn’t happened with previous wars and conflicts.....
Baron’s organization, FilmAid, focuses on bringing films to the millions of displaced and impoverished individuals across the globe. Not only do these films offer information about health and human safety, they also help bring the magic of the movies to those that need a message of hope more than anyone.
During the session, Baron recounted the experience of watching children in Afghanistan watch The Wizard of Oz for the first time. Beyond being the first movie that many of these children had seen, it was also the first time that they had heard music.

For Russell’s organization, MDGFive, the focus is on using social media and working with the creative community to encourage a local and global dialogue around maternal health. The MDGFive website features a remixer that users can use to create short films using music tracks, spoken word, photos and film clips from renowned artists around the world.

Rather than just portraying the negative aspects of how the developing world lives, MDGFive is focused on working with the local people and gaining their insight and perspective in presenting real issues and real problems.

Ultimately, the goal of MDGFive is to promote awareness and education in the area of maternal health. Film is one way that goal can be reached.

In the 115 years since the Lumière Brothers first filmed workers leaving a factory, moving pictures have changed the world as we know it. In the 21st century, film is being used to bring hope to others and to educate and tell stories that need to be told.
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