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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Warner Bros on Friday said it abandoned plans to convert the next Harry Potter movie to 3-D, bringing mixed reactions from box office watchers and fans of the multibillion-dollar blockbuster franchise.

The Hollywood studio said it was unable to produce a 3-D version of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I" in time for its release on November 19.

The movie will be presented only in conventional 2-D and in Imax theaters, but the second installment, due to be released in July 2011, is still set to be released in 2-D and 3-D.
"Despite everyone's best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality," Warner Bros. said in a statement.
The six previously released Harry Potter movies, based on the best-selling novels by author J.K. Rowling, have raked in an estimated $5.4 billion at the worldwide box office.
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", released in 2-D in 2009, earned $933 million worldwide at the box office. "Deathly Hallows; Part 1" is expected to do about the same figure, Hollywood sources said.

IMAX Corp declined to comment on Friday's statement regarding "Deathly Hallows: Part I" -- which covers about half of the final book in Rowling's series.

The news was greeted with a mixture of shrugs and dismay by Harry Potter fans, but most said on websites they would go to see "Deathly Hallows" anyway.

Some industry sources said the movie might take a hit in terms of box offices receipts, given the $2 to $3 dollar markup in prices for 3-D screenings, but others weren't so sure.

The DreamWorks Animation 3-D movie "How to Train Your Dragon," for example, saw 68 percent of its opening weekend ticket sales in March come from 3-D and Imax screenings.

Brandon Gray, president of, said the financial impact was hard to predict.
"People are going to 'Harry Potter' primarily for the story. It is one of the few sure things this holiday season,' Gray said. "3-D is over-rated and might be cooling. It is not the end of the world for Warner Bros," he added.
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