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Facebook comic book

9:12 AM Posted by Rai Sajid
It has been a rather momentous autumn for Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg. A movie about his life tops the box office, and he made headlines for donating $100 million to the Newark public school system. Now, he reaches another level of celebrity through a comic book about his life.
Writer Jerome Maida finds the source of Zuckerberg's fame more than a bit ironic. "He comes across as being socially inept, yet he's responsible for the most important development in communication in the modern era," Maida says. "He's revolutionized the way people remain connected long-term. It's amazing."
Bluewater Productions will release Mark Zuckerberg: Creator of Facebook in December. Maida's goal from the start was to depict Zuckerberg in as fair a light as possible. "We did a lot of research, which was rather hard because he's only 26 years old. There wasn't a lot of content to dig through."
The writer had to find that perspective by reading through articles and interviews with Zuckerberg and those closest to him. "He's not high-profile," Maida points out. "He's not Donald Trump. He's not on E! He's not on Jay Leno or David Letterman. Again, it gets back to the irony of who he is. He's influenced pop culture more than anyone else in recent memory, but he doesn't like being out in it."
Maida is thrilled with the added exposure the movie, The Social Network, has provided. He also is pleased that a Zuckerberg comic book might encourage consumers to seek out local comic shops.
"Bluewater is becoming known as the Biography Channel of the comic book world," Maida says. The company has featured such personalities as Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, and politicians Margaret Thatcher and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
"We do more than biographies, of course, but that's what seems to garner the most attention for us. The great thing is that books like this offer an invitation to readers who might not typically be comic book people to go out and buy one."

At 48 pages, this Zuckerberg-inspired book might appear long for some comics fans. But Maida says he needed the additional pages. "If it was shorter, you wouldn't understand where this guy came from."
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